Softwood Saw Blades for Cutting Pine and Fir-Imperial Purple Asphalt/Green & Concrete Diamond Blades

Style 18" X .125" CONCRETE 20" X .140" CONCRETE 18" X .140" X 1" ASHPHALT W/SLANT LASER 20" X .140" X 1" ASHPHALT W/SLANT LASER

Imperial Purple Asphalt/Green Concrete Diamond Blades

For use on walk-behind saws

Imperial Purple-I

  • .312” Diamond Depth
  • Delivers the speed and convenience of a diamond blade compared with abrasive blades that require frequent blade changes
  • Basic quality diamond and economical cutting value

For Cost Saving Cutting

Size Part Number Catalog Number
36" x .187 x 1" AI36187XM 36831
14" x .140 x 1" AI14140XM 36821
18" x .140 x 1" AI18140XM 36822
20" x .140 x 1" AI20140XM 36823
24" x .155 x 1" AI24155XM 36824
26" x .165 x 1" AI26165XM 36825
30" x .187 x 1" AI30187XM 36828